Monday, September 30, 2013


When researchers came out in things that were a norm, changing there norm value to normal, I thought at first someone was extremely stupid. Then I realized special interest groups had put pressure on the research groups, so they were not seen as abnormal, the problem they would not be seen as abnormal, because the kind of life they were living was approved by society, so it would have been a norm. Once you mess with things that regulate our way of thinking you end up living a lie and instead of valued research we end up with nothing more then garbage, and people who need help or treatment will not get it.

 A norm is like walking on your hands where ever you go and no one complains about it. The reason I thought the researchers were stupid was not one mental health worker spoke out about it at all. But it isn't just the Norm that has been miss-used, we are now legislating behavior that is instinct, or something that would be like a natures call, like needing to urinate. You cannot legislate instinct, it will just become more urgent, and if you can stand the pain from it, something will give, like you will pee your pants or rupture your bladder or worse. If there is an urgent need to scratch then scratch it or it will win in the end as it gets more bothersome. You cannot make scratching your backside,
a crime because it is a behavior that is a part of our warning system, needing to itch could be warning about an insect bite, or kidney failure and a whole other number of things. The urge to urinate is also a part of our warning system, so is being turned on sexually, if you don't get turned on then something is wrong with your reproductive system, so get it checked, you could have AIDs or VD or low testosterone or other hormone. Then it could go the other way if you get extremely turned on sexually, because the area is chapped, you could have VD. Also I read about the more you are turned on the better

 a woman looks and even feels to you, like she looks younger, softer, and that they say women respond by making themselves look younger and softer. Most of our prison problems are because we are making mental illness a crime because we no longer have real researchers to go where no one has gone before. Now I wonder where I heard that tag before. It is like they don't want to learn, just take your money and run. Since when did our Nations inventors or researchers start saying we can't, or there is no cure. We like to think we are in control of every situation but we seldom are The urges will get the best of you and make you say uncle or even cause you do what you normally would never do. Just like booze will do to you.

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